Why Womb to World?

Womb to World is a holistic birth AND postpartum course- in equal parts because they are so important to prepare for! The labour and birth section is holistic, positive and empowering education! It teaches you everything from ways to prepare your body for birth, the power of oxytocin, the importance of your support person, ways of working with pain in labour the natural ways and the pros and cons of the pain relief options plus so much more! So whether you’re hoping for an all natural labour or whether you’re hoping to use the pain relief options or if you have absolutely no idea… this course has you covered for it all, so you can go in feeling equipped to make the right decisions for you. This course will help you have an understanding of the birthing process and also what happens if it doesn’t go the way you hoped! With an extensive postpartum section, this course helps you understand what happens after you give birth… teaching you all about recovery, how to set yourself up for postpartum, how your partner/ support person can help, all about learning to breastfeed and learn all about your baby, what to expect, why they may be crying, how to settle them and SO much more!

  • Comprehensive Education

  • Self-paced

  • Written content, videos, images, links to further resources and downloadable pdfs

  • Includes three downloadable E-Books

  • Evidence-based, non-judgemental, empowering education


Course Overview

  • 1

    A warm welcome from Amber

    • A warm welcome...

    • Course Overview

    • Disclaimer

  • 2

    Womb to World Workbook

    • Download your Womb to World Workbook

  • 3

    Module 1: Labour and Birth Preparation

    • Let's start with your breath...

    • Perineal Massage

    • Optimal Fetal Positioning

    • Antenatal Expressing

    • Natural ways to 'encourage labour'

  • 4

    Module 2: Educated and Empowered Labour

    • The Mechanics of Labour... because WOW!

    • The hormone we love... OXYTOCIN

    • Some exciting signs that labour may be near...

    • Let's talk GBS...

    • The terrific TENS Machine...

    • All about Early Labour...

    • If you have had a baby before...

    • Being a wonderful support person!

    • Labouring at Home... you got this!

    • When should I go to hospital?

    • Create a beautiful birth space...

    • Mindset Work... Reframing Pain

    • Working with pain naturally...

    • What to do if labour 'stalls'

    • Pain Relief Options

    • Birth Wishlist

  • 5

    Module 3: Women are amazing... birthing your baby!

    • Let's talk Transition....

    • Birthing your baby

    • Protecting your Perineum!

  • 6

    Module 4: Birthing with assistance

    • Induction of Labour

    • Assisted Birth

    • Episiotomy

    • 'Magic happened here... Caesarean Birth'

  • 7

    Module 5: Hello baby...

    • The Golden Hour...Skin to Skin

    • Delayed Cord Clamping

    • Birthing your placenta

  • 8

    Module 6: Liquid Gold... Breastfeeding Course

    • Breastfeeding... The WOW factor

    • How it all works...

    • The Golden Hour...

    • The key to Breastfeeding... Positioning and Attachment

    • The first few days...

    • Nipple Damage & Healing Cracked Nipples

    • Milk 'coming in'...

    • How do I know my baby is getting enough breast milk?

    • To pump or not to pump?

    • What if I'm experiencing issues?

    • Engorgement, Blocked ducts & Mastitis

    • The essential part of Breastfeeding... support!

  • 9

    Module 7: The Fourth Trimester

    • The Fourth Trimester

    • The First Few Days

    • Routine Tests & Injections

    • 48-72 hours & Jaundice

    • Learning your newborn baby

    • Why is my baby crying?

    • Settling

    • Newborn sleep... and how to manage it!

    • Newborn care... swaddling, burping, bathing, skin care etc

    • Signs my baby is unwell...

    • Go with your gut!

  • 10

    Module 8: Prepare for Postpartum

    • Recovery after birth

    • Setting up for The Fourth Trimester

    • Self Care

    • Postpartum Mental Health

    • Partners... how you can help

    • From a Mum...

    • Postpartum Plan

  • 11

    Thank you!

    • Thank you!

    • Feedback

Includes three downloadable E-Books

  • Worth $60